Kingfisher’s small size allows greater flexibility while also allowing for greater costs savings. We custom tailor our program to the client, whether it’s a monthly fee, hourly fee, per project fee or a retainer with an hourly cap.

Because we started in the trades, transitioned into business ownership, then transitioned into management we are unique. The overwhelming majority of people in the construction management sector obtained a college degree but have no experience in the field. Our diversified field experience gives Kingfisher the edge in dealing with contractors and/or subcontractors because we have the actual hands on experience to know what it takes to build a structure, from the ground up. The physical act of construction isn’t something that was learned in the classroom, but through hands on actual experience. This affords us the ability to carry on conversations with the senior level management of a company as well as the laborer in the field. This becomes vital when dealing with complicated projects, specifically industrial or medical facilities. The construction manager needs to be able to relay pertinent information up and down the management chain, breaking down complex ideas into layman’s terms.

Another significant difference between Kingfisher and its competitors is the type of college degrees held by the personnel. It takes more than a degree in the construction field. We have that experience through prior hands on careers as tradesmen and as past owners of general contracting companies. By having prior business owners and staff with degrees in non-construction related fields such as accounting and finance, we have a better feel for the impact the construction process is having on the bottom line of the client. This affords us better insight into how we can alter/modify the construction process to best fit the financial needs of the client. This allows us to understand the importance, to the client, of seemingly insignificant portions of the construction process. 

Integrity. Honesty.